
800-344-3371 for Las Vegas, NV
702-228-3670 for Technical Support

Products 1-5 of 5
3ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable FCT-03 037229488654 Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical Audio Fiber Cable, Multi-channel Surround Sound, 3ft FCT03 FCT-03  cables feet foot
MSRP: Price: Login
3ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable
Part # FCT-03
QTY on Hand: 202
Availability: In Stock

Thin flexible cable with low profile connectors for tight bends & spaces. Connects any DVD/Blu-ray player, game console and computers to home theater system or HDTV withToslink digital audio port. Supports S/PDIF multi-channel surround sound audio...[more info]

6ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable FCT-06 037229488661 Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical Audio Fiber Cable, Multi-channel Surround Sound, 6ft FCT06 FCT-06  cables feet foot
MSRP: Price: Login
6ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable
Part # FCT-06
QTY on Hand: 318
Availability: In Stock

Thin flexible cable with low profile connectors for tight bends & spaces. Connects any DVD/Blu-ray player, game console and computers to home theater system or HDTV withToslink digital audio port. Supports S/PDIF multi-channel surround sound audio...[more info]

10ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable FCT-10 037229488678 Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical Audio Fiber Cable, Multi-channel Surround Sound, 10ft FCT10 FCT-10  cables feet foot
MSRP: Price: Login
10ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable
Part # FCT-10
QTY on Hand: 187
Availability: In Stock

Thin flexible cable with low profile connectors for tight bends & spaces. Connects any DVD/Blu-ray player, game console and computers to home theater system or HDTV withToslink digital audio port. Supports S/PDIF multi-channel surround sound audio...[more info]

15ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable FCT-15 037229488685 Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical Audio Fiber Cable, Multi-channel Surround Sound, 15ft FCT15 FCT-15  cables feet foot
MSRP: Price: Login
15ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable
Part # FCT-15
QTY on Hand: 309
Availability: In Stock

Thin flexible cable with low profile connectors for tight bends & spaces. Connects any DVD/Blu-ray player, game console and computers to home theater system or HDTV withToslink digital audio port. Supports S/PDIF multi-channel surround sound audio...[more info]

25ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable FCT-25 037229488692 Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical Audio Fiber Cable, Multi-channel Surround Sound, 25ft FCT25 FCT-25
MSRP: Price: Login
25ft Toslink Digital/SPDIF Optical UltraThin Audio Cable
Part # FCT-25
QTY on Hand: 166
Availability: In Stock

Thin flexible cable with low profile connectors for tight bends & spaces. Connects any DVD/Blu-ray player, game console and computers to home theater system or HDTV withToslink digital audio port. Supports S/PDIF multi-channel surround sound audio...[more info]


30727 Beverly Road
Romulus, MI 48174
Phone: 734-641-6700
Fax: 734-641-6767


2731 Crimson Canyon Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone: 702-228-3670
Fax: 702-228-3671

Technical Support

Mon-Fri / 8:00AM-5:00PM PST

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